The inception of the TECN Alumni Association can be traced back to an Iftar Party organized for the inaugural batch on July 10, 2015. Subsequently, a more formal assembly took place on June 18, 2016, in the presence of esteemed alumni from various batches.
During this gathering, Hriday Hira, the convenor of the first batch, along with notable individuals including Tariqul Islam, Jony Das, A N M Ataullah from the same batch, Mohiuddin Atik, SM Suman Xiku, Md Alamin from the second batch, Shailen Saha, Abdullah Mohammad Al Amin from the third batch and M Kamrul Hasan Selim, Pronob Roy from the fourth batch, convened to deliberate on the establishment of an organized entity. Additionally, the committee included four IT advisors: Md. Saidul Karim Riaz from the first batch, Mohammad Imranul Haque Shimul from the second batch, Md Tarek Aziz from the third batch, and Shantanu Shuvro from the fourth batch. Their concerted efforts led to the formulation of a comprehensive constitution and organizational framework.
The culmination of these efforts materialized through a successful election held on March 26, 2017. Remarkably, the Constitution received unanimous endorsement from all members, leading to the official recognition of the TECN Alumni Association.
This commendable endeavor demonstrates the value of alumni associations in fostering connections among graduates, facilitating networking opportunities, and providing support to educational institutions. Should you require further elucidation or wish to share more about the association, please feel free to communicate your intentions.
Translation: Translated in English by Saeed (6th Batch)
Logo: Logo was designed by Akil Mzumder (6th Batch)
Theme: United by Brotherhood
Article 1
Textile Engineering College, Noakhali Alumni Association.
Article 2
Head Quarter:
Textile engineering college, Begumganj, Noakhali.
Article 3
Present Address:
Situated in Dhaka
Article 4
If this structure is not similar to the subject and related topic then,
A. The meaning of association here is textile engineering college alumni association
B. ‘Alumni’ means – Any person achieving Minimum Graduate Certificate from Textile Engineering College, Noakhali, which can be considered any time for the greater interest of the Association, by the Executive committee if necessary
C. The meaning of provision and rule is , the provisions of this Constitution and rules and sub-rules framed thereunder
D. Year means the time frame between 1st January to 31th December
E. Member means all the members including the general members and the lifetime members of the association
F. Property means all movable and immovable assets of the association including cash fund
G. Graduate means undergraduate and post graduate certified person.
H. Staff refers to both employer and employee
I. General Assembly means that the council comprised of all general and life-long members.
J. Vote means agreement on any subject. It may be in electrical or direct consent. However, the executive committee will be elected and the constitutional decision will be through direct voting.
K. General meeting means meeting with all the members of the association. Where at least 50 people will be present.
L. Annual general meeting means general meeting with all the members
Article 5
The entire Bangladesh. The activities and operations can be expanded in other countries
Article 6
This Association is a non-political and non-profitable organization.
Article 7
There will be a seal of the association, which will be in the custody of the general secretary.
Article 8
Mission and Vision
To ensure the betterment of the alumnus of Noakhali textile engineering college, the Association will be operated with the mission and vision that are stated below-
A. Upholding the image of Textile Engineering College
B. Establishment of unity, friendship and brotherhood among the alumnus by helping and supporting each other
C. Ensuring the interest of students of Textile Engineering College, Noakhali
D. Establishing a fund to help the deserving students.
E. Preparation and execution for the meetings, seminar, symposium, workshop, exhibition and entertainment for the alumnus.
F. Establishment of library, museum, conference center, research and development center, cultural center and sports and refreshment center.
G. Publishing Bulletins, write-ups and books.
H. Organization of social, cultural, sports related and other entertainment means.
I. Establishment of alumni association across the globe; ensuring the better environment for the education.
J. Carrying out different activities to develop the quality of the education.
K. To accomplish the above goals and objectives and to perform all other such activities in the case of performing liability towards Alumni
Article 9
A. A branch of this organization can be founded in a foreign country which should be consisted of no less than 21 alumnus. In case of opening branches in different major cities within Bangladesh, the number of member alumnus should me no less than 50 and in case of branches in towns the alumnus number should be minimum 25. Nevertheless, all of them must be a lifetime member of the association.
B. Affiliated branch name should be Textile Engineering College, Noakhali alumni association, ——– (name of the place).
C. The branches will work towards achieving the mission and vision of the organization.
D. The annual report and the names of the members of the association should be sent to the general secretary of the association on a regular basis.
E. The members of the branches will also be the members of the association, Even though they can be the members of the TECN alumni association if they will.
F. The fees of the general and lifetime members should be sent through concerned branch to the finance secretary/general secretary of the association.
G. Any permitted project expenses can be allocated in the accounts of the branch associations.
H. Any branch can send money to Textile Engineering College, Noakhali, for any activities which is related to the mission and vision of the association.
I. All the regulations and constitutions regarding the general committee and the executive committee of the main association will be applicable for the branches as well.
J. The foreign branches need to operate their activities keeping a synergy with the main association.
K. There will be a seal of the branch in the association branch, which will be in the custody of the secretary.
Article 10
The following four types of members will be in the Association
A. General Member
The alumnus defined in the clause 4(b) are only eligible to have the position.
B. Life-time Member
The alumnus defined in the clause 4(b) are only eligible to have the position. Proposals for giving lifetime membership to a respected member shall be considered by the executive committee and shall be informed in the annual general meeting.
C. Honorary Member
If the governing body wills they can give the membership to those who can be beneficiary in terms of the prosperity and expansion of the association, the donors and famous personalities. But the honorary members will not have voting rights nor can they participate in the election. TECNAA governing body will decide this position for any famous personality and the offer has to be validated by 70% of the governing body members. Which can be adjusted if necessary. However, the proposal for revalidation will be presented by the executive committee for consideration of the General Assembly and passed by the General Council vote.
E. Associate Member
Senior most batch from the running students can be associate members by receiving associate membership, they can access to web directory
Article 11
Membership Rules
Any alumni of Textile Engineering College, Noakhali (4B) can apply through the application form for the membership of the Association by paying full obedience to the rules and regulations of the association and the applicant will be considered as a member of the association only if approved by the secretary member. Shall be deemed to be Provided that the Secretary member reserves the right to accept or reject any application.
Article 12
Membership Book
There will be a membership book of the Association. Any member of the Association may visit that book through a written application to the secretary member. According to the class of members, by showing donations and arrears of the current year, a new member list will be created by 30 November every year and will be kept in office and website on the opening day of the office for inspection and verification and can be purchased at the prescribed price or personal notes can be taken from it. Membership book will be available for inspection until the notice of the annual general assembly
Article 13
Member’s Rights and Benefits
A. To attend to the general meeting, participate in discussions and submit proposals.
B. To demand explanation of the executive committee’s functions and to seek the reimbursement of income-expenditure.
C. To participate in any committee election. However, in the case of branch committees,
D. Members of the branch will take part in any election related to that branch.
E. To be included in any representative team of the association.
F. Counseling for the development of the organization or working in the Election Commission.
G. To apply for assistance from a member of organization (i.e. job, financial, educational support, accident etc.) for the time being needed.
H. Every member shall be given a member card or identity card according to the decision taken by the executive committee.
Article 14
Membership Cancellation
Membership shall be canceled for the following reasons, if any member-
A. Voluntarily Resigns; the member who wishes to leave the membership will have to send a resignation letter to the secretary member. The resignation letter can be withdrawn until the approval of the secretary member. The decision of the secretary member shall be deemed to be final; if such resignation is received, the member will no longer apply for membership.
B. In the case of general members, the association’s entitlement failed to pay twice in the prescribed time;
C. Dies;
D. Is mentally unbalanced;
E. Participates in activities those are contradictory to the constitution, rules and regulations of the association, or if any member’s behavior or activity is considered to be harmful to the dignity of the Association;
F. Is convicted by the court.
Article -15
Any member performing any work that is excluded of the constitution and against the objectives and goals of the association, if so, under specific charges made, with initial investigation of the secretary member and with two thirds member’s approval, his membership can be temporary suspended and if found guilty, he/she can be fired.
Article 16
If the membership of any member is canceled except 14(A), he / they can apply for the reinstatement to the Executive Committee according to Section 11, and the Secretary member may consider it.
Article 17
The organization’s organizational structure is as follows–
A. Sponsors and Advisers
A. Principal of Textile Engineering College, Noakhali, will be the main sponsor of the Alumni Association. Besides, Professor and Registrar will be the sole sponsor of the association.
B. Out of the alumni, elite, prominent individuals, who have contributed to the welfare of the Association, can be nominated as a member of the Advisory Council of the Association. The executive committee will finalize the nomination list and advisory functions and activities from time to time. Which can be adjusted if necessary. The sponsor’s recruitment shall be presented by the Executive Committee for consideration of General Council.
B. Executive Committee
According to section 21, there will be an elected executive committee of the organization. All members of the executive committee shall have equal franchise in the meeting of the Committee. But in the case of equal voting, president may give casting vote.
C. Sub-Committee
The executive committee may constitute a sub-committee for specific matters and for a specific period as per the requirement. There must be at least one executive committee member in the sub-committee. The affairs of the sub-committee shall be confined in that regard. In relation to any external matter, he has to coordinate with the executive committee.
D. Staff
To manage the daily work of the organization, the executive committee can appoint officials and staffs as per the requirement. The Executive Committee will be responsible for the daily activities of the officers or employees.
Article 18
General Assembly Meeting Convenes
The President may call the meeting of the General Assembly on two weeks’ notice. However, the annual general meeting shall be called for at least two months’ notice.
In view of any emergency, the President holds the power to call upon General Assembly at any time notice
Article 19
A. Annual General Meeting Quorum
The number of attendance required for the General Assembly meeting or quorum, in the presence of minimum 50 members, but if the required number of members are not present within half an hour of the scheduled time for the meeting and if there is no other announcement, the general meeting shall be deemed to be adjourned and the time and place will be informed later in three days. For the next session of the adjourned meeting, if necessary number of member remain absent for half an hour, the General Assembly meeting will be held with the present members and in that case, necessary presence will be deemed to be present.
B. Quorum of Executive Meeting
The number of attendance required for the executive meeting or quorum, will be minimum more than half. However, if the required number of members are not present during the time of the meeting and there is no other announcement, the meeting of that General Council shall be adjourned and within three days’ time, place should be informed later from the committee.
Article 20
Summon of the General Assembly
According to the written papers of at least 75% members of the General Council, the president will convene a general assembly meeting to decide on a specific matter. If the call is not made within 15 days from the date of receipt of the papers, then the signatories of the papers for the summoning meeting can call themselves to decide on only the specific matter through proper notice and the decision will be taken by the three-fourths of the members present.
Article 21
Executive Committee
A. Association will have an executive committee.
B. The members listed in the voters’ list of the Association can be elected in the executive committee, and according to article 24 or if any other amendments in the constitution is not carried out, they will perform their duties till the next committee is elected in the annual general meeting
C. The next annual general meeting and the executive committee election will be held in accordance with the constitution Two years after the previous election on 21st February. The executive committee’s tenure will be till the transfer of the power to the next committee.
D. All decisions of the executive committee shall be received by the support or vote of majority members present in the Executive Committee.
E. If anyone is elected twice in the same post for president and general secretary post, he will not be able to compete next time.
F. If the president of the departing Executive Committee is not elected again in the next committee, then he must attain the post of secretary member on the next newly formed committee. In this case, all previous work connections will remain in the next executive committee.
G. If any executive or member of the executive committee resigns / exempt / non-extinguish / expulsion / suspension / death or for any other cause any post becomes vacant, it can be filled by co-option in support of two-thirds of the members present in the executive committee meeting.
H. In the first meeting of the newly elected committee, within 10 days of taking power, the committee members will select the secretary member and IT advisory posts by co-option through two-thirds vote and will inform the General Assembly.
Article 22
Positions of the Executive Committee
President: 1 person
Vice-President: 1 person
General Secretary: 1 person
Joint General Secretary: 1 person
Organizing Secretary: 1 person
Joint Organizing Secretary: 1 person
Finance Secretary: 1 person
Joint Finance Secretary: 1 person
Information and Publicity Secretary: 1 person
Literature, Culture and Sports Secretary: 1 person
Education, Vocational and Social Welfare Secretary: 1 person
Executive Members: 3 person
Secretariate Member: 3 person (through The ex-officio president of the newly-departing committee will be one among three people according to Article 21-G)
IT Advisor: 3 person
Article 23
Power and Duties of the Executive Committee
A. Appointment of members/officers in vacant post
B. Election of officers from committee in casual vacancy
C. For any particular purpose formation of standing and sub-committee with the members of the inner or outer committee; provided that such committee shall be clearly described to standing committee and there shall be included one or more members from the executive committee; one shall be the chairman/convener among the members of sub-committee and one shall serve as a secretary member. The committee will work only for specified matters
D. The committee may apply such powers with conformity to the constitution and to the rules, which are not contradictory to the constitution but not clearly written constitution and rules;
E. In accordance with the constitution of the association and its overall development objective will work in order to succeed, the Executive Committee of the Association General Meeting, Annual General Meeting and emergency general meeting time, date, place, etc. Shall be determined;
F. Shall approve all costs of The Association
G. Nominate honorary members;
H. Nominate advisers and donors and determine their numbers
I. For the smooth conduct of the Association, shall form special sub-committee
J. Formulate the annual budget of the association;
K. Appoint the staff of the association shall approve the terms of appointment;
L. Allow to provide notice to the members for meeting
M. They may make sub-rules for performing the duties and responsibilities entrusted to them. However, that sub-rule may not conflict with the constitution and contrary to the goals and objectives of the Association. Provided further that the executive committee shall submit for approval of sub-rules made at the next annual general meeting.
O. The executive committee will sit in the meeting every month at least once. Officer or member of the executive committee shall be considered ineligible and his post shall be vacant, if
He lost membership of the association, or
becomes absent from the meeting in three consecutive meetings without informing The President / General Secretary
P. Meeting minutes and discission should be noted on specific notebook. In next meeting, General Secretary will place this minute and take relevent signatory.
Article 24
Responsibilities and powers of Executive Committee
A. He shall be the head of the Association
B. He shall preside over all meetings of the Association; and shall sign the minutes of the meeting;
C. He shall approve proposals and resolutions of the meeting;
D. If necessary, he will give interpretation / decision on any section, sub-section of the constitution, and that will be deemed to be final.
E. He can give casting vote in case of equal number of vote
F. In case of emergency he may call upon a meeting of the Executive Committee any time at minimum twenty-four hours’ notice.
G. For the interest of the association, apart from performing his general responsibilities, he shall notify the executive committee about any new constructive program
A. Generally shall support the president on overall work;
B. In the absence of the president, the vice-president of the Association shall preside over meetings;
C. In case of premature vacancy for the president post for any reason, the vice president will serve as an acting president. In the absence of vice president a member of the executive committee may be selected to preside over the meeting.
A. He shall act as the chief executive officer of the association;
B. In consultation with the President of the Association, he shall call and determine the agenda of the meeting;
C. With the approval of the President he shall make the arrangement to record the minutes of the meeting;
D. With the approval of the president he shall prepare the annual report and the annual income and expenditure accounts and submit the audit report before the Executive Committee and the General Assembly.
E. In consultation with the president, he shall maintain contact with government, non-government and various institutions on behalf of the Association.
F. On behalf of the association he will sign on any necessary legal documents but in any special case, the president can sign on these type of documents along with other documents
G. In consultation with the president, he shall coordinate the activities with the divisional Secretary and members of the committee;
H. He may suggest the editors to perform the functions of their respective offices;
I. On demand of the Registration Authority, he shall submit the report/return
J. With the approval of the Committee he shall perform the functions and management of litigation filed on behalf of the association;
K. In consultation with the president, on any requirement, he shall convene the regular executive committee meeting along with other emergency meeting, on a 7-day notice.
A. He shall support the overall work of the general secretary.
B. In absence of general secretary, joint General Secretary shall perform the functions of General Secretary.
A. He shall conduct the organizational activities;
B. He is in constant contact with the President and the Secretary-General and shall take appropriate action in order to expand the activities of the Association;
C. In consultation with the General Secretary, Office Secretary shall perform all the official works and maintain all official records. Statistics and reports shall be made and retained by him.
D. He shall preside over the meetings in absence of president, vice-president and general secretary.
Shall opine on formation of branch of the association, and submit for the approval of the Executive Committee.
A. Shall support the overall work of the organizing secretary
B. Shall perform the functions of organizing secretary in his absence;
A. Shall retain all income and expenditure of the association and submit it for approval to the Executive Committee;
B. Shall take the measures to keep money in the selected bank of the Association.
C. All income and expenditure accounts and the annual report of the Association will be prepared for presenting before the general meeting and arrange the annual audit;
D. For the growth of the fund of Association, he shall prepare plans and implement them with approval of the Executive Committee.
E. Shall take necessary measures for collecting donations and other grants from the members;
F. Receipt books of donation, bank receipt, check books, all kinds of Association accounts, vouchers, bills and account related papers shall be under his supervision.
G. He must try to perform all expenditure of the Association in the form of check as far as possible;
For emergency expenditure of the Association, under the knowledge of the general secretary he can personally keep maximum 10,000 / – (ten thousand) taka in cash.
H. All modern accounting policy of conventional accounting system shall be applied to the accounting of the Association and shall be conducted under the supervision of treasurer.
A. Generally will help with the overall activities of the finance secretary
A. In order to promote the standard, objectives and current programs of the association Among the Alumnus of Textile Engineering College, Noakhali, he shall arrange a variety of programs/activities and publish brochure, posters, leaflets etc. in that purpose.
B. In favor of the Association, he shall take all the measures to publish the activities in various news media and by special carriers, through the mail or newspaper that will be sent to the members of the association.
A. On behalf of the association, he shall take measures to publish journal/leaflets and will arrange cultural ceremonies in the collaboration with the literature secretary.
B. All recreational programs of the association, such as music, drama, dance, sports events and other activities shall be conducted by him.
A. He shall play his due role for running all educational activities and be responsible for the conservation and management of the Association’s library
B. Will increase technical contribution to the social welfare of the association.
A. Meeting the issues related to women and child affairs in association and college with constant care, and solve them.
B. Keep in touch with related state-level organizations.
Increase the overall image of the college and association.
A. General Secretary or executive committee shall perform the functions assigned to it by that.
B. Members of the Executive Committee of the Association shall support all kinds of operations.
A. Formation of Election Commission
B. Consider and give the final approval of the application of new members ;
C. Shall propose a name for the post of honorary member of the executive committee.
D. Shall coordinate and negotiate among the ordinary members of the executive committee.
E. For the reinforcement of the association, he shall maintain communication with the alumni and the running students of Textile engineering college Noakhali and intend to increase the number of member
A. Shall help the executive committee for the campaign of Textile Engineering College Noakhali alumni association.
B. For the ease of the communication among the members, he shall manage and develop all IT-based technical sides.
C. Look after the technical sides in any necessity of the association.
Article 25
Election of Executive Committee
A. An executive committee shall be formed by direct vote of general and lifetime members or by consensus of all.
B. One member from each of five batch passed recently from the college will form a five-member commission.
C. Secretary Member will constitute the Election Commission two months before the expiry of the executive committee. It is to be determined by the merit or batch opinion or a manner formmulated by Secretary Member in which everyone agree
D. The senior most commissioner of the commission will be the chief election commissioner
E. With the help of the Executive committee, the Election Commission will prepare voter list and publish it for all.
F. The election commission will announce the election schedule at least one month before the election.
G. All legitimate members of the association will be voters. However, only those who become members six months before the upcoming election, can participate in the election process.
H. Candidate for any post must be voter.
I. No member of the Election Commission can contest the election. But they possess right to vote.
J. Any candidate can compete in any post from panel or individually. However, one person cannot be candidate for more than one position simultaneously.
K. To facilitate the election, the Election Commissioner will be able to choose Volunteer from the running students.
L. In the case of panels or individual candidates, their titles will be in the name of various textile raw materials. If a panel or independent candidate proposes a name, the Election Commissioner will resolve it with respect to the discussion. But if the panel and individual candidates are in this case, the panel will prevail
M. Election expenses: Arrangement of election ballots and ballot boxes, hall rent, transportation and hospitality expenses of election commission volunteers and visitors on Election Day, sound and decoration expenses, documents for election purposes and election expenses are beyond this.
N. Each panel can appoint an observer. They will be able to monitor the voting, counting and declaration of results.
O. The election announcement, oath will be read on the Election Day. The chief election commissioner will read the oath.
P. The Chief Election Commissioner has the power to postpone the elections due to undesirable reason. In this case, on the third day he will notify all the members from the Election Commission with the date of the next election. The next election will be in one month.
Q. In the next one month after the election, all the election expenditure accounts and the posterity of the money will be released to the next finance secretary.
R. No action of the Election Commission can be questioned in light of the above rules. The verdict of the Election Commission shall be deemed to be final in the light of the above rules. preservation. However, it is needed to be approved from the secretary member if any.
S. At least 15 days before the expiry of the executive committee’s deadline, the election must occur with results announced. Within 21 days of declaration of results, the departing executive committee will explain the responsibilities of the newly elected executive committee with audit and inventory
T. Tenure of election commission will be 1 month after successful election.
Article 26
Vote of Non-Confidence
A. For vote of non-confidence, At least two-thirds of the general members shall give notice to the Secretary Member in writing against the executive committee or any member of its own. After receiving the notice, the Secretary Member shall raise it in the meeting and the President must call for a general meeting based on him. In this case, in the general meeting, in the presence of three-fourths of the total members, two-thirds of the vote will be required.
B. In the next thirty days, after the passage of non-confidence, the election of new executive committee or filling vacancies shall be made.
C. If the President does not convene a general meeting within 30 days of receiving notice of non-confidence, then the decision-makers of non-confidence may call themselves on the general meeting at a seven-day notice and make a decision. In this case, if the non-confidence is passed against the executive committee, then an interim or caretaker committee of at least five members will be formed in that meeting or if it is not possible, the first temporary convener committee will perform the interim duties. This committee will make the election process within 30 days
Article 27
If it appears to the executive committee that it is not possible to perform the assigned work or duties of the association by a designated officer or member of the executive committee, then the committee will give notice to that officer and the member, and with two-thirds executive committee votes, the officer or member would be Exempted from his duties or from the general membership. If any member of the executive committee is involved in harmful activities for the association, then after giving a notice of show-cause in the 7-day notice. Then after receiving his explanation, executive committee can take effective action in relation to exempting after scrutinizing it through the sub-committee. In this case, any objection from the exempted officer or member shall not be acceptable.
Article 28
If any officer / member of the Executive Committee wants to resign, he will submit resignation letter to the president / Secretary Member. The resignation letter can be withdrawn until the decision was taken by the executive committee. The decision of the executive committee will be deemed to be final
Article 29
Functions of Annual General Meeting
The following general functions will be performed in the annual general meeting:
A. Consideration of the annual report prepared by the general secretary and approved by the executive committee; B. Consideration and approval of past year’s audit report and accounting;
C. Approval of budget proposed by the Executive Committee and presented by the finance secretary;
D. Arrangement of elections according to section 23;
E. Formulation, modification, and approval of constitution and rules;
F. Raising and discussing any other topic with the permission of the President.
G. All decisions of the Annual meeting of the General Assembly will be accepted by the majority of the voting members. In the case of equal voting, the President may cast casting vote.
H. The General Secretary shall submit notice of all proposals received from the members to the executive council at least ten days before the meeting of the General Assembly and if these proposals are considered by the executive council, they will be presented it in the general meeting.
I.Honorable lifetime members, chief donor will be eligible for joining the meeting and speaking.
Article 30
All the assets, including the fund, will be acquired, recognized and managed in the name of association and will be vested with the Association. The association fund will be formed by donation from various individuals, organizations, members and the government. This fund of the association will be stored by the executive committee in any fixed bank (banks or post office savings, projects or in leasing companies, or more profitable institutions). However, in the annual general meeting the location of these funds will be informed.
Article 31
A. Money acquired for a specific purpose shall be deposited in the special fund.
B. All lifetime members donations will be credited to the collection fund.. The executive committee may transfer 50 percent of the total funds collected in this year (as a permanent or temporary loan).
C. Deposits, annuities and funds received from various sources will be credited to the general fund.
D. All members, except the life-time members, will have to pay annual donations in advance for the interest of the association
Article 32
If the Executive Committee wants to invest in the interest of the Association, then the money from duty fund can be invested in government securities, savings certificates or any other profitable sector.
Article 33
Bank Account Management
The bank accounts of the association shall be conducted in the joint sign of the finance secretary and the general secretary or the president. If for some reason the finance or assistant finance secretary is absent, the remaining two will jointly sign. In order to manage bank accounts, the signature of the signatory in the check shall be attested with the seal of the association by the president
Article 34
Through the auditor, appointed by secretary member, General Secretary will submit it for approval in annual general assembly on behalf of the executive committee. Auditor can be nominated from the members or by any private audit firm.
Article 35
Constitution Amendments
A. Proposals for amending constitution and rules will be considered only in the Annual General Meeting of the General Assembly or in a special general meeting convened in this regard.
B. Such proposals may be proposed by the Executive Committee or any Member to amend.
C. Proposals raised by a member shall be first considered by the Secretary Member in the Executive Committee and if there is any amendment, it shall be submitted to the general meeting for consideration with their opinion
D. It may be amended by the voting of two-thirds of the members present in the general meeting, if there is a need for change, modification, correction, contraction, addition or adjustment of any section, sub-section or word of this constitution.
E. As soon as the amended amendment in the General Assembly is accepted, it will be treated as part of the constitution.
F. The amendment will be added as an attachment to the constitution and the context should be mentioned in the context.
Article 36
If the proposal for extinction of the Association is accepted by the vote of three-fourths of the Association in the General Assembly, the association will be abolished after declaration of that decision, or if the membership of the association is so short of three years continuously, which is necessary for the formation of the executive committee, the association Shall be deemed to be abolished
Article 37
Property of Extinct Association
If the Association is abolished, unless there is no other decision by the General Assembly, all the movable and immovable property of this Association shall be treated as the property of Textile Engineering College, Noakhali.
Article 38
Reliable Version
There will be a reliable version of this constitution in Bengal and a reliable version translated into English and both the versions will be considered as trustworthy; but there is a condition that in case of conflict between Bengali and English versions, the Bengali version will prevail.
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